Welcome Readers

  • Welcome to Biracial Bookworms!

    I am an international school educator and a literacy specialist who is here to inspire and encourage you to read diverse and high quality literature as you teach reading and literacy skills.

    I want to help you raise readers, but also raise activists and leaders that will use their education to change the world. My inspiration comes from my two beautiful biracial daughters so you will see many of my articles promote strong and empowered multiracial female book characters. 

    I firmly believe in raising the next generation of global citizens by cultivating empathy, gender equality, social justice, and activism through reading. For this reason, I focus on multicultural books, rich cultural experiences, and multiple language learning.

    My ultimate goal is to offer you the world’s best reading strategies to cultivate a life long love of reading with a little reading magic!

Biracial Bookworms

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