February #diversekidlit: Black History Month
Now that the 6th annual Multicultural Children’s Book Day has come to a close, we need to keep the buzz and excitement surrounding #diversekidlit going!
If you are a parent, grandparent, caregiver, teacher, or librarian looking for amazing diverse kidlit recommends to share with your young readers, you will love this recurring monthly resource of diverse book reviews.
If you are a book reviewer, please join us in sharing your diverse children’s book links and resources, as well as visiting other links to find great suggestions and recommendations.
First, What Is #DiverseKidLit?
Diverse Children’s Books is a book-sharing meme designed to promote the reading and writing of children’s books that feature diverse characters. This community embraces all kinds of diversity including (and certainly not limited to) diverse, inclusive, multicultural, and global books for children of all backgrounds.
We encourage everyone who shares to support this blogging community by visiting and leaving comments for at least three others. Please also consider following the hosts on at least one of their social media outlets. Spread the word using #diversekidlit and/or adding our button to your site and your diverse posts.
We hope this community serves as a resource for parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, and authors!
#DiverseKidLit is Hosted by:
Click here to join the mailing list. Interested in joining as a host or an occasional co-host? Contact Becky(at)JumpIntoaBook(dot)com.
Further Resources:
The Ultimate Guide to a Multicultural Library
The Anatomy of a Diverse Bookshelf
Biracial Bookworms
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