1. Shearin Lee
    07/21/2017 @ 1:39 pm

    Bethany, I love your idea for the Shero Series!! Truly inspiring and so true: EVERY women is a Wonder Woman in her own unique way! Emily’s journey is very inspiring! I respect teachers for all they do for our children and our world. But for teachers like Emily, to jump out of their comfort zone and face extreme challenges to share education with children in other countries, is truly moving! Emily, thank you for sharing your special story and best of luck to you on your amazing journey. I am hoping through our new program with Joy Sun Bear, we will be able to build a global community with amazing global educators like you- helping children learn and embrace different cultures, build compassion for themselves and others and come together to take care of the one planet we all share together. 🙂

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/27/2017 @ 3:28 pm

      I agree completely! Sharing our stories helps build compassion and celebrate our unique cultures as well as find common ground! Thank you so much for commenting Shearin!

  2. Amanda (Daphnie's Mom)
    07/10/2017 @ 5:26 pm

    Wow you have so much going on! You’ve had some really great experiences!

  3. NAncy
    07/10/2017 @ 5:25 pm

    This is very inspirational. It teaches that we all have values that can make a difference in this world.

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/10/2017 @ 7:22 pm

      Absolutely Nancy. It takes all types of people.

  4. Amy
    07/10/2017 @ 1:01 am

    Love reading about “everyday (s)heros”, so inspirational to see an everyday teacher doing such great things! Can’t wait to read about more amazing woman in future posts!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/10/2017 @ 2:09 am

      Thanks Amy!! They are incredible aren’t they? Emily has truly gone through hell and back and her resilience and dedication to help others (and dogs) is incredibly powerful. Thanks so much for commenting.

  5. Alyssa
    07/09/2017 @ 9:31 pm

    Wow, what an incredible experience to be able to have taught in all of those countries! I love her saying about how teaching is like herding cats!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/10/2017 @ 2:11 am

      Like telling a crying baby to calm down sometimes right? Her imagery for the classroom is spot on isn’t it? She is being modest as she is an incredible teacher, but on some days you do feel completely ridiculous. Thanks for commenting Alyssa!

  6. RM
    07/09/2017 @ 9:11 pm

    I’ve been enjoying following this series ! I always feel inspired after reading them 🙂

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/10/2017 @ 2:13 am

      That is so wonderful to hear! These stories are keeping me up at night dreaming about who I can interview next. Makes me feel like there is so much good in the world and my two girls have a bright future. If they turn out like the ladies in this series, I would be overjoyed. Thank you so much for reading and supporting these amazing sheroes.

  7. Dilraz Kunnummal
    07/09/2017 @ 8:50 pm

    Six countries and a wealth of experiences. Incredible. I would love to be in her class. Not to learn the subject she is teaching but to hear her stories about life!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/10/2017 @ 2:15 am

      She has so many more stories. I hated having to stop writing because I wanted to include so much more. I hope she writes a book one day about her life and her travel adventures. I would be first in line to buy a signed copy wherever she was. Thanks for reading and sharing her journey.

  8. Vanessa
    07/08/2017 @ 11:26 pm

    What a great series! I’m going to have to catch up on them since I feel I joined the party late.

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/09/2017 @ 12:52 am

      Thanks Vanessa! Hope you can read the rest! These women are truly sensational and their stories will have you walking away feeling inspired.

  9. Sarah
    07/08/2017 @ 11:26 am

    Great post. I was talking to my daughter the other day about that movie. She said to me, “You know mommy, there are real super heroes. Doctors, firefighters, army men”. The funny thing is her Daddy was in the Navy…he was not too pleased with her answer!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/08/2017 @ 1:08 pm

      You know it’s soooo funny. I once called a Navy Seal on a Navy base an “army man”… we come from a navy family and they all put their heads down in shame. 🙂
      That is wonderful to hear your daughter recognize some of the every day super heroes.. that is amazing!!!!!

  10. Katherine
    07/07/2017 @ 10:07 pm

    Wow. What an incredible opportunity and responsibility. I admire her bravery for taking on new cultures!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/08/2017 @ 2:27 pm

      She has been through a great deal; but if you ask her, she would say that it has definitely been worth it. Big risk, big reward right? Losing her dad gave her a renewed sense of calm that she could truly accomplish all her goals and dreams. To be so young and so well traveled and experienced is such a gift. I admire her as well. Thank you so much for commenting Katherine!

  11. Catherine
    07/07/2017 @ 5:56 pm

    This is so awesome! I love the idea of Sheros! I hope I can be one to someone!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/07/2017 @ 9:05 pm

      I am sure you are already and may not know it!!

  12. Lynn Woods
    07/06/2017 @ 6:24 pm

    I’m loving everything babout this series!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/07/2017 @ 9:12 pm

      Thank you Lynn! So grateful you took the time to read the articles!!

  13. Nita
    07/06/2017 @ 5:44 pm

    This is great! We should all nominate people that are heroes! Teachers really are amazing people, they give so much and they are able to make such a big impact!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/07/2017 @ 9:14 pm

      I agree completely. With women, there can be a lot of competition and jealousy. By embracing other women for their strengths, we empower others to do the same! Thank you so much for reading Nita!

  14. Tara
    07/06/2017 @ 4:21 pm

    This is AMAZING! Love love love raising up women and shedding light on heroes beyond the spotlight!

    • Bethany M. Edwards
      07/07/2017 @ 9:17 pm

      Thank you so much for the enthusiasm Tara! Shining that light means people will do the same for others. The movement is real and so wonderful to see!! I learned so much from the women in this series already, plus got some fantastic book recommendations. My to -read pile is over the top big right now! Thank you so much for reading and supporting these fantastic sheroes!